Quality products to fit your specific needs for a multichannel approach

On the basis of previous projects with our customers, we have developed products that respond to specific needs for the realisation of a multichannel approach.

Products we offer


Multichannel zero-measurement, providing a set of data across multi-channels for reach, engagement and conversion. This starter kit can be tailored across multiple touchpoints, resulting in a robust benchmark, along with a workshop to help formulate strategies.


Plug-and-play audit for clients already operating a multi-channel strategy but seeking to measure whether their focus is still valid. This product provides a sophisticated one-time audit, enabling clients to devise actions and metrics that ensure continuous improvement.


A product using qualitative research and differentiated through high-quality interaction with specially targeted respondents. The “voice of the customer” generates insights about patients needs, care pathways, channel preferences and message engagement, among other vital verbatims.


A team workshop on multichannel strategy. Can focus on client-critical aspects of reach, engagement and conversion. It furthers understanding of data gathered across multi-channels, resulting in conclusions and actionable decisions in an ever-changing market environment.


A tailor-made product designed to track results across multi-channels every 6 months on an ongoing basis. In particular, it helps out clients to operate their strategies with agility and further accuracy in a market with many competitors and/or one strong challenger.